Faculty Of Tourism and Hotels

  • Faculty Of Tourism
    Faculty Of Tourism
  • Faculty Of Tourism
    Faculty Of Tourism
  • Faculty Of Tourism
    Faculty Of Tourism
  • Faculty Of Tourism
    Faculty Of Tourism
  • Faculty Of Tourism
    Faculty Of Tourism
  • Faculty Of Tourism
    Faculty Of Tourism


Dean Word

I would like to welcome you in Faculty of Tourism and Hotels- Alexandria University. It is one of the leading educational institutions in the field of tourism in Egypt and the Middle East. Our primary mission is to achieve “leadership and excellence in tourism education” through a commitment to achieve excellence in teaching and scientific research as well as communicating tourism industry. Faculty of tourism and Hotels is characterized by its cadre of staff members and their assistants of academic and practical experience in the fields of tourism, hospitality and tour guiding. There is no doubt that depending on these specialized cadres provides our students with a competitive advantage in all disciplines.


The student in the Department of Tourism Studies will study the following:

  • Tourism activity as an industry and its various aspects of management and the organization of tourism facilities.
  • Analysis of the nature of the various local and international tourism agencies and organizations and their respective roles.
  • Scientific and practical study on customer service, travel agencies, booking methods and the development of tourist programs.
  • Analysis of the tourist psychology and the most important social influences in determining tourists needs.
  • The tourism activity concept and its importance in the national economy and its relation with other economic.
  • Analytical study of tourism planning as a means of balanced and continuous tourism development.
  • Studying the basics of tourism marketing and promotion of the Egyptian tourist product through studying the latest trends in tourism marketing
  • Management of archaeological and heritage sites.
  • Analysis of e-tourism and its applications, and a practical study on computer science.
  • Managing and organizing conferences and tourist events.
  • Study of tourism development and the relationship between tourism and the environment and the most important environmental standards in the tourism industry.
  • Various tourism legislations that regulate tourism activity.
  • How to prepare tables, statistical studies and accounting transactions in the tourism industry through tourism statistics and tourism accounting
  • Feasibility study preparation for integrated tourism project.
  • Proficiency in two foreign languages.
  • The department provides a training plan for the student.

The Department of Tourism Studies is one of the main departments in the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels which endeavors to leadership in tourism education and scientific research. The department aims to keep up with the continuous and successive updates in the tourism industry either by scientific literature and theoretical basics or practical reality and labor requirements. The department follows the quality requirements in performance standards and continuous assessment. The department seeks through its faculty members to raise its competency by training in order to keep abreast of global changes through continuous and serious scientific research to develop curricula according to the latest international developments.

The Department of Tourism Studies provides the students with advanced knowledge and skills in order to connect the graduates of the College and the Department with the requirements of the labor market and the needs of the tourism field. The department provides the student with the knowledge he needs through teaching different theoretical courses. The department organizes scientific trips for its students through the faculty training unit to support the theoretical aspects, develop his skills and refine his experiences through the applied side.

The practical aspect is to provide students with continuous training, including multiple stages, starting with different research in the form of groups for training in working as a team, using information technology and supporting computer skills, in addition to carrying out the work of the graduation project in the fourth division to train its abilities in the practical application of how to prepare a project With a continuous training during the years of specialization on customer service and airline ticket reservation systems and the development of a tourism program according to the latest international systems.

 The Department applies the credit hours system and grants degrees to graduates of the college starting from the bachelor's degree for graduates, and the master's degree and doctorate in tourism studies for postgraduate students.

Professor Emeritus degree

Enayat Mohamed Ahmed Ali

Fatma Salah El-Din Moussa



Professor degree 

Gamal El-Din Abd El-Razek Abd El-Monem

Shereen Abd El-Aziz Elmenshawy

Manal Adel Said Affara

Heba Mahmoud Saad Abd El-Nabi


Assistant Professor

Rania Younis Ahmed Merzban

Marwa Abd El-Magid Mahmoud Elkady

Dalia Yehia Zakaria Abou-Stait

Dina Mohamed Ezz El-Din Tawfik

Manal Mahmoud Abd El-Hamid

Sarah Elsayed Abd El-Salam Ketat

Merry Magdy Anwar Kamel

Heba Magdy Khalil Mohamed


Lecturer degree

Amro Ali Ali Gaber Metwally

Reham Ahmed Khairy Elshewy


Assistant Lecturer degree

Manar Ahmed Hafez Massoud

Souzan Yehia Zakaria Abou-Stait

Youmna Adel Zaki Nasr

Sarah Mostafa Hassan Ragab Elsayed

Yasmin Tarek Mohamed Zouhair

Lara Adel Labib

Engy Fekry Abd El-Shahid

Azza Mohamed Hassan


Demonstrator degree

Mennat-Allah Mohamed Naguib

Dina Mamdouh Mohamed Elsayed

The Tourism Guidance Department prepares the student to work in the following fields:

  • Touristic guidance in archaeological and tourist sites.
  • Touristic guidance in Egyptian archaeological museums.

The tourism guidance includes guiding, organizing and managing trips in tourist and archaeological sites, implementing tourist programs accompanied by tour groups, and carrying out a specialized and detailed explanation of the history and monuments of Egypt through eras.

The Department of Tourism Guidance also qualifies the student to enroll in postgraduate programs dealing with in-depth studies on archeological sites, museums and the study of technical features and architectural development in different historical periods. The Department of Tourism Guidance aims at forming researchers in the tourism and archeological sectors, archaeological sites and museums.

Vision and Mission of the faculty

Vision of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels

The Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Alexandria University seeks to scientific leadership and excellence in the field of tourism education at the local and international levels.

Mission of the Faculty Tourism and Hotels

The Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Alexandria University is committed to preparing and qualifying personnel to serve the local and regional labor market in the field of tourism, hotels and tourist guides through its advanced educational programs and scientific research, which contribute to the service and development of the community and the promotion of the tourism industry.

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