Faculty Of Tourism and Hotels

  • Faculty Of Tourism
    Faculty Of Tourism
  • Faculty Of Tourism
    Faculty Of Tourism
  • Faculty Of Tourism
    Faculty Of Tourism
  • Faculty Of Tourism
    Faculty Of Tourism
  • Faculty Of Tourism
    Faculty Of Tourism
  • Faculty Of Tourism
    Faculty Of Tourism


Dean Word

I would like to welcome you in Faculty of Tourism and Hotels- Alexandria University. It is one of the leading educational institutions in the field of tourism in Egypt and the Middle East. Our primary mission is to achieve “leadership and excellence in tourism education” through a commitment to achieve excellence in teaching and scientific research as well as communicating tourism industry. Faculty of tourism and Hotels is characterized by its cadre of staff members and their assistants of academic and practical experience in the fields of tourism, hospitality and tour guiding. There is no doubt that depending on these specialized cadres provides our students with a competitive advantage in all disciplines.



البرنامج الخاص - كلية السياحة و الفنادق . جامعة الإسكندرية

فتح باب التقدم للدراسات العليافتح باب التقدم للدراسات العليا

Professor Emeritus degree

Galila Hassan Hassanein Ahmed


Professor degree 

Dalal Mohamed Mostafa Ibrahim Abd El-Hady

Abeer Ahmed Mohamed Attia

Hala Nabil Helaly

Hanan Hosny Soliman Elassar

Nashwa Fouad Atallah Hanna


Assistant Professor

Naglaa Harb Sayed Ahmed Abdullah

Samar Farouk Mostafa Elkasrawy


Lecturer degree

Hebat-Allah Mostafa Abd El-Aziz

Mariam Taha Ahmed Ali

Sabrina Mohamed Ahmed Refaat Abd El-Wahab

Heba Mohamed Said Abd El-Kader Helmy

Nermin Abd El-Hamid Morsy

Amany Nabil Gerges Beshay

Rehab Ahmed Mohamed Elgamil

Iten Nabil Shehata Elroby

Iman Mohamed Mohamed Eid Eltanahy

Noha Ahmed Kamel

Heba Abd El-Mohsen Abd El-Kader

Sarah Ahmed Abd El-Fattah Gad


Assistant Lecturer degree

Radwa Ali Hamed Samy

Shaimaa Mohamed Elsayed Ahmed Taha

Elham Saad Shokry Hafez

Marwa Ibrahim Khater

Salma Mohamed Mahmoud Elmanhaly

Doaa Samir Ali Elsayed Attia

Ghadeer Mohamed Ashraf Abd El-Karim Elmawardy


Demonstrator degree

Rania Ragab Ahmed Rezk Hassouna

Salma Serag Mounir

Rana Rafik

The Department of Tourism Studies prepares the student to work in the following fields:

  • Tourism companies and travel agencies.
  • Airlines and tourism transport companies.
  • Conferences management and organizing.
  • Tourism organizations and bodies.
  • Marketing and advertising.
  • Air hospitality.
  • Management of tourist villages and resorts

Regarding training, the department trains students practically to serve customers and booking airline tickets on one of the Central Reservation System for airline booking and international hotel reservation and how to develop an integrated tourism program.

Vision and Mission of the faculty

Vision of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels

The Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Alexandria University seeks to scientific leadership and excellence in the field of tourism education at the local and international levels.

Mission of the Faculty Tourism and Hotels

The Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Alexandria University is committed to preparing and qualifying personnel to serve the local and regional labor market in the field of tourism, hotels and tourist guides through its advanced educational programs and scientific research, which contribute to the service and development of the community and the promotion of the tourism industry.

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  • الدراسات العليا
  • الدراسات السياحية.
  • الدراسات الفندقية.
  • الوحدة ذات الطابع الخاص
  • اكواد المقررات
  • خدمة معرفه الايميل الجامعى
  • الإنذارات الأكاديمية
  • قسم الدراسات الفندقية
  • قسم الدراسات السياحية
  • قسم الارشاد السياحى
  • ادرس_في_مصر
  • خدمات