Faculty Of Tourism and Hotels

Introduction on the Department of Hotel Studies

The study in the hotel studies department is based on three main axes:

1 - Hotel Management: where the student studies administrative courses to be aware with the various administrative aspects within the hospitality enterprises; by studying basics and principles of business administration in general and then studying the specialized management by applying these principles to the hotels as well as the interior hotel sections and international standards of hotel management which includes Total Quality Management and hotel information systems.


2 - Rooms management: where the student studies how to manage the activities of Rooms Division as it is the main component of hotels, which in turn includes the front offices staff and the department of internal supervision responsible for preparation of rooms.


  1. Food & Beverage: where the student studies how to manage food and beverage activity in hotels as it presents the second component in hospitality industry after the rooms department which includes studying how to plan and design menus, hotel food bases, food and beverage control and restaurant management in addition to planning required tools.
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