20th of August.. "FLDC" holds a training course under title of "creating and leading scientific research teams"
Hits: 447
Training course entitled "credit hours system" in Faculty and Leadership Development Center "FLDC"
Hits: 477
"FLDC" holds a training course under title of "research references managgment systems" on 17th of August
Hits: 520
"international publishing of scientific research" Training program in Leadership Development Center
Hits: 498
"using technology in teaching" a training course will be held next August in "FLDC"
Hits: 494
"stratigic planning" a training course in "FLDC" next August
Hits: 516
10th of August.. "FLDC" holds a training course under title of "take decision and solving problems"
Hits: 507
Training course entitled "research references managgment systems" in Faculty and Leadership Development Center "FLDC"
Hits: 478
"FLDC" holds a training course under title of "skills of effective presentation" on 10th of August
Hits: 522
"communication skills in different types of education" Training program in Leadership Development Center
Hits: 527