Faculty Of Tourism and Hotels

Opening the Seventh Environmental Forum at Alexandria University

Prof. Dr. Essam Khamis, Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and Prof. Dr. Rushdi Zahran,President of Alexandria University, opened on April 23rd , 2016 evening the event of the Seventh Environmental Forum of Alexandria University which is organized by Community Service and Environmental Development sector, under the title of “Climate Change and Sustainable Development Objectives” . Its events continue for two days to discuss the important environmental issues.

Furthermore, Dr. Rushdi Zahran asserted, in his speech, that education and scientific research are the engine of development, referring to the University keenness to organize environmental forum 10 years ago. That is to discuss current environmental issues as a commitment towards the state and society to tackle new issues, and the development of the exciting ones, coming up with workable recommendations provided to the state to achieve the objectives of sustainable development.

Prof. Dr. Essam Kurdy, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, pointed, in his speech, that Egypt is one of the leading countries regionally regarding the involvement in international agreements that promote the trend towards the objectives of sustainable development. Furthermore, he referred to the call of the President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi to international community to support the endeavors done by Egypt on the national level in this field, adding that Egypt and the African countries fulfilled their commitments to contribute and set ambitious national plans to encounter climate change as Egypt passed a comprehensive national plan for sustainable development until the year

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