Faculty Of Tourism and Hotels

The University of Pécs honors Dr. Sameh Shehata

The University of Pécs in Hungary honored Prof. Dr. Sameh Shehata, Professor of Pediatric Surgery in Alexandria University and Vice President of the International Union for pediatric surgery. The Hungarian university invited Dr. Shehata to deliver a lecture honorary and to be honored as one of the figures of Pediatric surgery in the world and the first Egyptian and Arab scientist to get this honor among a list of the best Pediatric surgeons in the world.

Dr. Sameh Shehata declared that during the ceremony he performed an operation that have been developed at Alexandria University universally known as "Sameh Shehata Operation" for 6 Hungarian children. This surgery is also performed in several global centers under the name of the Egyptian surgeon.

The live broadcast of these operations was attended by many Hungarian surgeons who came for this purpose particularly from different centers of pediatric surgery in Hungary.

Dr. Sameh Shehata delivered a lecture during the ceremony entitled "Medicine in Pharaonic Egypt"

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