Faculty Of Tourism and Hotels

Alexandria University discusses how can benefit from Japanese experience in education and scientific research

Prof. Dr. Seddik Abdul Salam, Vice President of Alexandria University for graduate Studies and Research and Prof. Dr. Essam Kurdi, Vice President of the University for the Community Service and Environment Development and Prof. Dr. Hisham Gaber, Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs received Dr. Masaaki Suzuki, Vice President of Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology for Regional and International Affairs and Dr. Mona Gamal Eldin, the Acting Deputy of the Egypt-Japan university for Education and Academic Affairs.
During the meeting Alexandria University Deputies stressed the university keen to benefit from the Japanese experience in the area of education and scientific research and technological applications and underlined the development cooperation between the two countries, in particular Egypt-Japan university of Science and Technology.
They also stressed the need to make use of the distinguished possibilities of the two sides and to conduct common scientific activities in modern and advanced fields as well as releasing common scientific magazines and publications.
Dr. Suzuki indicated that the study for Bachelor degrees will began from 2017 while the study was limited to graduate studies since its inception in 2009 until now for both Masters and PhD degree. He added that the construction works of the new university campus in Burj Al Arab began on the area of 200 Acres in order to present a scientific and research contribution through collaboration between Egyptian minds and the scientific progress of Japan.
At the end of the visit, Prof. Dr. Seddik Abdul Salam presented the University Shield to Dr. Suzuki in recognition of the role of the Japanese University in the service of human development in Egypt, the Arab region and Africa.

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