Faculty Of Tourism and Hotels

  • Faculty Of Tourism
    Faculty Of Tourism
  • Faculty Of Tourism
    Faculty Of Tourism
  • Faculty Of Tourism
    Faculty Of Tourism
  • Faculty Of Tourism
    Faculty Of Tourism
  • Faculty Of Tourism
    Faculty Of Tourism
  • Faculty Of Tourism
    Faculty Of Tourism


Dean Word

I would like to welcome you in Faculty of Tourism and Hotels- Alexandria University. It is one of the leading educational institutions in the field of tourism in Egypt and the Middle East. Our primary mission is to achieve “leadership and excellence in tourism education” through a commitment to achieve excellence in teaching and scientific research as well as communicating tourism industry. Faculty of tourism and Hotels is characterized by its cadre of staff members and their assistants of academic and practical experience in the fields of tourism, hospitality and tour guiding. There is no doubt that depending on these specialized cadres provides our students with a competitive advantage in all disciplines.


Prof.Dr. Abeer Ahmed Atya - Vice Dean for Education and Student Affair and Faculty Dean

Prof.Dr. Heba Mahmoud Saad  - Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research

Prof.Dr. Hala Abd Elmonem Helaly - Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development​​​

Prof.Dr. Hanan Soliman Elassar           Tourism Studies Department Chief

Prof.Assis.Dr. Jailan Eldemerdash        Hotels Studies Department Chief

Prof.Assis.Dr. Dina Ezz El-Din            Tourism Guidance Department Chief

Departments professors representatives:

Prof.Dr.Gamal Abd El-Razek              Tourism Guidance Professors Representative

Prof.Dr. Mona Barakat                         Hotels Studies Professors Representative

​​Prof.Dr. Nashwa Fouad Attallah          Tourism Studies Professors Representative                  

Prof. Assis.Dr. Samar Elkasrawy        Professors Assistants Representatives

Dr. Hossam Said Shehata                     Instructors Representatives

Alexandria University offers, subjecting to Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Council, the scientific degrees hereunder:


1- Bachelor degree in one of the disciplines hereunder:

  •  Tourism Studies
  •  Hotel Studies
  • Tourist guidance

2- Diploma degree in one of the following disciplines: 

  • Tourist guidance 

3- Master's degree in one of the following disciplines: 

  • Tourism Studies 
  • Hotel studies 
  • Tourist guidance 

4- PhD degree in one of the following disciplines: 

  • Tourism Studies 
  • Hotel studies 
  • Tourist guidance


I would like to welcome you in Faculty of Tourism and Hotels- Alexandria University. It is one of the leading educational institutions in the field of tourism in Egypt and the Middle East. Our primary mission is to achieve “leadership and excellence in tourism education” through a commitment to achieve excellence in teaching and scientific research as well as communicating tourism industry.

Faculty of tourism and Hotels is characterized by its cadre of staff members and their assistants of academic and practical experience in the fields of tourism, hospitality and tour guiding. There is no doubt that depending on these specialized cadres provides our students with a competitive advantage in all disciplines.

The educational atmosphere presented by the Faculty is characterized, in addition to academic aspects, by achieving communication and integration with industry. The presented educational environment keens on providing students with scientific and technical experience which makes them closely related to word field and provides them with great distinct and integral practical experience.

I would also like to assert that Faculty of Tourism and Hotels keens on continuous development and progress. This development appears in the character of the distinguished and ambitious students who are chosen by the Faculty. It is also shown in the quality of the presented academic programs, in our ability to invent new forms of learning through provision of the latest technology industry, in our continuous communication with industry and in the scientific researches that contribute in identifying management and practical practices in industry. This is besides our excellence in our academic curriculum, teaching, scientific activities and students services.

Faculty of Tourism and Hotels goes on relentlessly approaching its adopted achievement of continuous excellence and development. Undoubtedly, the opportunity of studying at the Faculty cares, in addition to providing an excellent educational opportunity, for contributing in forming a graduate provided with excellent scientific experience which provides high competitive opportunity in labor market.

Prof. Dr./ Abeer Ahmed Attia

Faculty Dean

1.Mr. Osama Gaber Nour                       Faculty Secretary

2.Mr. Ibrahim Mohamed Ibrahim             Undergraduates Affairs Department Supervisor and Chief 

 3. Mrs. Heba Ahmed Ibrahim          Cultural Relationships and Research Department Supervisor and Chief

4.  Mrs. Wafaa Mohamed Abd El-Moteleb    Youth Care Department Supervisor

5.Mr. Adel Hussein Khamis                  Statistics and Support Department Chief

6. Ms. Hala Zaher Helmy                     Graduates Department Supervisor

  7. Mr. Essam Hassan Abd Ellatif               Administrative Affairs Department Supervisor and Chief

8.  Mrs. Ebtsam Mohamed Farag               Library Department Supervisor and Chief

9. Mr. Khaled Mostafa Elnahhasn            Graduates Department Chief

10.  Mr. Mostafa Ibrahim Abd-Rabou      Archiving Department Chief  

11.  Mr. Mohamed Elsayed Mostafa           Stores Department Chief

12.  Mrs. Iman Mohamed Moustafa            Retirement Department Chief

13. Mrs. Mona Mahmoud Basiony              Conferences Department Chief 

14.  Mrs. Safaa Mohamed Elsafi                 Community Service and Environmental Development​​ Department Chief

15. Mrs. Amal Mohamed Hussien     Chief of Vice-Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development office 

16. Mrs. Hanan Sayed Gomaa                         General Affairs Department Chief

17. Mr. Mahmoud Elsayed Attia                 Technical affairs Department Chief

18. Mr. Ashraf Mohamed Eldawoudy            Staff Affairs Department Supervisor

19. Mrs. Heba Mohamed Selim              Postgraduates Affairs Department Chief

Vision and Mission of the faculty

Vision of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels

The Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Alexandria University seeks to scientific leadership and excellence in the field of tourism education at the local and international levels.

Mission of the Faculty Tourism and Hotels

The Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Alexandria University is committed to preparing and qualifying personnel to serve the local and regional labor market in the field of tourism, hotels and tourist guides through its advanced educational programs and scientific research, which contribute to the service and development of the community and the promotion of the tourism industry.

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